ADHD Coaching | ADHD Coaching for Parents

Parent Coaching

Raising children with ADHD is hard. Coaching for parents provides invaluable support, transforming frustration into empowerment.

What we help with:

  • Understanding the ADHD mind

  • Keeping a healthy perspective about your child’s diagnosis and challenges

  • Learning how to remain positive and supportive throughout the brain’s development process

  • Advocating for services for your child and teaching your child how to be his or her own advocate

  • Understanding the importance of taking personal time to maintain your resilience

Reach Your Potential

Parenting children, even young adults, with ADHD is tough. Schedule today to learn about how Parent Coaching will deepen your understanding of ADHD and how to apply that knowledge to ease the stress of parenting.

Our Testimonials

  • "We thank whatever "powers that be", that we have Kimberly Putman in our lives. Our daughter attends university in a city far from home and while we were excited for her, we were nervous about how she was going to navigate everything with her beautiful and challenging ADHD brain. Being a Mom herself, Kimberly has that extra gene of compassion and understanding on top her vast knowledge and experience of how to coach students to achieve their goals in school and life. Knowing our daughter has time with Kimberly every week gives us tremendous peace of mind and we all benefit from her undivided attention and support.

    — Cathy Brereton, Mom Extraordinaire, The Brereton Family

Who else do we help?

Adults with ADHD

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Teens & College Students with ADHD

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  • As needed sessions during the semester offered both in-person and via ZOOM

  • Access to texting and email support between sessions

  • As needed reousrce material suggestions: books, article, podcasts and professional referrals.

  • Parent coaching is provided on an as needed basis. Parents often work with me bi-monthly for several months and then return as needed as their child matures.