Strategic planning is the process of defining an organization's direction and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this direction. It is a critical element for the success of any organization, whether it is a small business, non-profit, or large corporation. Without a strategic plan, organizations can find themselves reacting to situations rather than proactively shaping their future.Strategic planning provides several key benefits to organizations.

First, it helps organizations set goals and prioritize their efforts. A well-designed strategic plan helps organizations focus their resources on activities that are most likely to achieve their objectives, while reducing or eliminating activities that do not align with their goals. Second, strategic planning provides a roadmap for achieving those goals. With a clear plan in place, organizations can more easily measure progress and adjust their actions as necessary. Third, strategic planning helps organizations align their efforts across departments and functions. By involving key stakeholders in the planning process, organizations can ensure that everyone is working towards the same objectives.

Tips for Successful Strategic Planning

  1. Start with a clear purpose: Before you begin your strategic planning session, be clear on why you are doing it. What is the problem you are trying to solve, or what opportunity are you trying to seize? Articulating a clear purpose will help you stay focused and ensure that everyone is aligned on the objectives.

  2. Involve key stakeholders: It's essential to involve a broad cross-section of stakeholders in your planning process. This includes both internal stakeholders (e.g., employees, management) and external stakeholders (e.g., customers, suppliers, partners). By involving key stakeholders, you can ensure that you have a diverse range of perspectives and that everyone feels invested in the outcome.

  3. Focus on the big picture: While it's essential to get into the details of your plan, it's equally important to keep the big picture in mind. Don't get bogged down in minutiae or get sidetracked by tangential issues.

  4. Be data-driven: Use data and analytics to inform your planning process. Look at past performance, market trends, and customer feedback to help guide your decision-making. This will help you make more informed decisions and increase the chances of success.

  5. Establish accountability: Finally, make sure that you establish clear accountability for your plan's implementation. Determine ownership for specific tasks and responsibilities and set timelines for completion. Regularly review progress against these goals and adjust your plan as necessary.

Hiring an experienced outside facilitator to guide your planning process provides a tremendous return on investment. Contact Kimberly Putman at to learn more about the value of using a meeting facilitator.


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