The Benefits of Hiring a Local New Orleans Career Coach

Working in the heart of New Orleans, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative journey many professionals embark upon in pursuit of career fulfillment and advancement. My name is Kimberly Putman, and through my business, Kimberly Putman Coaching, I've had the privilege of coaching clients through a variety of career pursuits.

The distinction between hiring a resume writer and engaging with a local New Orleans career coach like me is important. While both services offer value, the personalized strategy I provide significantly outpaces the formulaic outputs of resume writing. Let me share with you the comprehensive benefits of this personalized journey.

Career Clarity and Personalized Strategy

My approach diverges from the one-size-fits-all solutions often found in resume writing. At Kimberly Putman Coaching, I tailor strategies to your unique aspirations and challenges. This not only provides career clarity but equips you with the tactical tools essential for your next role, a career pivot, or accelerating your growth in your current function. Understanding the nuances of the New Orleans job market allows me to offer advice that an outsider might miss.

Overcoming Current Work Challenges

I excel in addressing the specific challenges you might face in your current role. From navigating workplace politics to seeking promotions or enhancing job satisfaction, my strategies and perspectives are grounded in a deep understanding of the local business culture and expectations.

Customized Resumes and Cover Letters

Unlike resume writers or AI tools that produce generic resumes, I go several steps further. I advise on creating highly customized resumes and cover letters that resonate with the roles you aspire to, reflecting a deep understanding of what New Orleans employers seek. This includes modernizing your resume and optimizing it for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), ensuring your application shines.

Co-Creating Your Online Presence

In today's digital age, your online presence, including your LinkedIn profile, plays a pivotal role in your job search and career development. Working together, we'll craft an online persona that accurately reflects your professional brand, making you more attractive to potential employers and recruiters in the New Orleans area and beyond.

Defining Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is your professional signature. At Kimberly Putman Coaching, I help you articulate and communicate your unique value proposition, ensuring you stand out in a competitive job market. This is especially effective in local networks, where authenticity and personal connections are crucial.

Exploring Career Options and Paths

With my intimate knowledge of local industry trends and opportunities, I guide you through exploring various career options and paths. This exploration is grounded in a realistic understanding of the New Orleans job market, making your career transition or development both strategic and attainable.

Modern Job Search Tactics and Assistance

The job search landscape is ever evolving. I equip you with modern job search tactics, leveraging the latest tools and strategies to enhance your visibility and appeal to local employers. This includes networking strategies tailored to New Orleans' unique professional ecosystem.

Interview Preparation

A crucial part of any job application process is the interview. I offer invaluable assistance in preparing for interviews, providing insights into the questions local employers might ask and the cultural nuances that can make or break an interview.

Career Development and Transition

Whether you're looking to develop in your current career or transition to a new one, I provide guidance on evaluating your skills, identifying educational or re-training needs, and mapping out a career path that aligns with your strengths and values.

Tailored Support Through Surveys and Assessments

By administering strengths and values inventory surveys, I offer a tailored approach to understanding your unique profile. This deep dive is essential for aligning your career trajectory with your personal strengths and values.

In conclusion, as a locally based New Orleans career coach, my goal is to help you excel in navigating the broad landscape of career development. My personalized approach not only provides clarity and direction but equips you with the tools and strategies needed for long-term success in your professional journey.

Reach out today at to schedule a discovery call.


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